Liquid Microneedle Treatments


Looking for a true Korean “glass skin” like appearance?  Spicules are the way to achieve those results!

Spicules are a versatile tool used both to maintain healthy skin and to address an array of skin conditions.  They can be used in your weekly exfoliation and anti-aging routine, or as treatment for acne, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation.

We offer three levels of spicule treatments. Our Level 1 treatment, the Crystal Essence Peel, may be used weekly for exfoliation and to maintain healthy skin. Our Level 2 – Princess and Level 3 – Time Machine Peels are exponentially more powerful and frequency will be determined based upon your individualized treatment plan, but generally can be used every 2 – 4 weeks.

Level 1 - Crystal Essence Peel

$125 30/min

This Soluble Microneedle Therapy System (also known as SMTS) is an innovative Korean skin care treatment that addresses a wide variety of skin care concerns. Its advanced technology contains concentrated hyaluronic acid spheres to safely penetrate the skin, delivering immediate, glowing results. Dull, lifeless skin? Want to improve your skin’s clarity and texture? This Peel is your answer! Least aggressive of our spicule treatments, the Crystal Essence Peel resurfaces and polishes the skin, and contains Epidermal Growth Factors (EGF).

This is a fantastic choice for beginners and also follow-up treatments. No down time, but not appropriate for oily/acne-prone skin or Rosacea.

Level 2 - The Princess Peel

30 min $125 with infusion therapy 45 min $150

The Princess spicule is a light to medium level spicule.  This skin detoxifying peel contains Hydrolyzed Sponge spicules suspended in a Colloidal Gold serum which remain in the skin for up to 72 hours, facilitating cell turnover.  It is a resurfacing peel that lifts, detoxifies, and provides anti-aging benefits, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, increasing skin’s elasticity and minimizing UV ray damage by inhibiting the activity of melanocytes.  Wastes and harmful substances in the skin are expelled through the pores to detoxify and purify the skin.  Essentially no down time, but light peeling may occur.

Especially effective in treating acne and post-acne scarring, this peel is ideal for most skin types, and depending on desired results can be used weekly or up to 4 weeks apart. 

Level 3

The Time Machine Peel

60 Minute - $250

The Time Machine spicule is our powerhouse spicule, made from Hydrolyzed Sponge that remains working in the skin for up to 72 hours.  Looking for dramatic results?  This is the peel that will provide a noticeably amazing outcome, addressing many different skin care concerns!  Designed to “wake up” skin cells, reduce inflammation, and strengthen elasticity, this intensive peel will provide an overall improvement in skin texture as well as specifically address acne and acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, pore reduction, and fine lines and wrinkles. 

Appropriate for most skin types, a lower-level spicule must be introduced to the skin prior to the Time Machine spicule in order to condition the skin.  The Time Machine spicule will produce moderate to heavy peeling, so may require some down time.  The treatment is administered in two sessions, the initial Time Machine Facial (30 minutes) and a follow-up, one hour facial two weeks later that involves dermaplaning with a corrective treatment as well as infusion.